BRISKON is a relatively young company in the field of industrial assembly, but its founders and owners have been active in the industrial assembly of industrial plants, pipework and machinery for more than 13 years. In the past, this was organised on the basis of a sole proprietorship - now as a limited liability company. The company owners themselves are still actively involved in the execution of orders both in Poland and in Germany. Currently, BRISKON, already in the form of a Polish limited liability company, is ready to offer its services in Poland, Germany, Austria or the Netherlands.

We carry out the commissioned work with the help of our Polish specialists, employees and co-operators [subcontractors] who have experience in the field of industrial assembly. The specialists most frequently involved in our projects are:

  • Locksmith

  • TIG welder

  • Setters

  • Industrial fitters

We always ask our potential clients to give us detailed information about the project to ensure its proper and timely completion. When bringing in the right people, we want to know as much as possible about the planned assignment/task so that the right people are best informed about what we expect from their work.

If you are looking for support with assembly and installation or welding work, please complete the questionnaire for planned work. QUESTIONNAIRE

We approach our tasks with care. We try to organise people and work in such a way that the activities we carry out run as smoothly as possible. We emphasise good relations with our foreign partners. We ourselves always endeavour to keep all parties informed about the current work situation.

History - but briefly...

The founding of BRISKON GmbH was a natural step, so to speak, in response to the growing demand from customers who were satisfied with our work. Previously, we had been working as sole entrepreneurs. The founders of the company have been working in this field for 13 years. They know the working environment. Previously, they had worked on numerous projects as employees themselves.


We know how to manage our own projects, we organise people and time ourselves - which gives us a high degree of flexibility and professionalism. This is important - projects often run on a three-week basis or with longer breaks. We also try to adapt to this. We know what our customers expect, but also how we can organise our employees' work accordingly. The combination of these two aspects is the key to success.

What are we not?

We are not a multi-agency/recruitment company that 'trades in labour', we are not another LifeWork company - our employees work for us for months and years. We want our clients to be OUR clients. If you are looking for employees for another assignment - let us know. We live from our work and that of our crews.

Let's get to work!

Our Polish employees [fitters, locksmiths, welders] will be happy to support your company with assembly, welding and locksmith work in the current year 2024.

Terms and conditions of cooperation

We believe in mutual openness and understanding. We want to treat each other with mutual respect. We expect clarity in the declarations and agreement on all technical issues before the mission [especially abroad]. To this end, we have prepared a list of questions that will enable us to select suitable teams and plan the delegation.



Maciej Waszkiewicz

Kooperation mit Ausland,

Mobile: +48504279734

BRISKON Sp. z o.o. [Name der Firma, Form: GmbH]
8692010182 [NIP / Registernumer in Polen]
ul. Na Górkach 17 [Strasse / Nummer]
32-800 Brzesko [Postleitzahl / Stadt]

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